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Food Delivery and the Bottom Line

Mar 27, 2025
12pm ET
Virtual event on-demand
Virtual event
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Food Delivery and the Bottom Line

Mar 27, 2025
12pm ET
Virtual event
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Consumers expect food delivered to their doorsteps on demand — but getting delivery to make economic sense is still a major challenge for operators. During this live virtual event hosted by the editorial teams at C-Store Dive, Grocery Dive, Restaurant Dive and Supply Chain Dive, we’ll look at how food providers and tech companies are trying to improve efficiency and profitability in a stubbornly complex channel.

Over four sessions, we will examine the latest news and insights surrounding innovation, delivery speed, consumer demand and working with third-party companies. You’ll hear from experts and researchers as well as our expert team of journalists.

Who should attend?

  • Food retail and restaurant executives responsible for delivery
  • Supply chain executives involved in food delivery
  • Delivery company executives and managers serving food retailers and restaurants
  • Representatives from tech firms involved in food delivery

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This insightful, interactive event will include four panels featuring Dive journalists and some of the top experts and companies in the food delivery industry. Attendees will learn the latest on what consumers are looking for from food delivery companies, what some of the top money-saving innovations are right now and how retailers and restaurants can get the most out of third-party delivery companies.

Session 1 Examining Consumer Demand What do users want from food delivery? Who is ordering and who isn’t? This session will include presentations showing the latest research on consumer demand for food delivery and a panel discussion focused on the insights companies need to know. Session 2 Promising Tech Innovations Aimed At Boosting Efficiency The food delivery space is full of cutting-edge technologies. So what are retailers and restaurants using to help meet demand and efficiency needs? Experts and company executives will discuss the top tools they’re using and the innovations they have their eyes on. Session 3 Navigating Relationships With Third-Party Providers Many food companies rely on 3P companies to fulfill and deliver orders. In this panel session, experts will talk about the best ways to collaborate with providers and how retailers and restaurants need to adjust their operations. Session 4 A Closer Look At Delivery Speed Grocery stores, c-stores and restaurants offer delivery across a range of speeds, from 15 minutes to a day or more after orders get placed. This panel will look at how companies are balancing speed with demand, and the steps they’re taking to keep up with consumer expectations.

If you have questions about registration, if you’re interested in speaking, or have any other questions, contact us at


Susan Anderson // Global Head of Grocery and Retail // Uber
Paddy Balasubramanian // Senior Director of Delivery // 7-Eleven
Victor Fernandez // Chief Insights Officer // Black Box Intelligence
Kacie González // VP of Partnerships // Olo
John Nelson // CEO // Vroom
Jack O’Leary // Director of E-Commerce Strategic Thought Leadership // Nielsen IQ
Dylan Taylor-Smith // VP of Media & Digital Strategy // Denny's
Max Garland // Senior Reporter // Supply Chain Dive
Julie Littman Gredvig // Senior Reporter // Restaurant Dive
Jessica Loder // Editor // C-Store Dive
Catherine Douglas Moran // Editor // Grocery Dive

About our newsroom

Our publications, Grocery Dive, Supply Chain Dive, Restaurant Dive, and C-Store Dive all provide in-depth journalism and insight into the most impactful news and trends shaping their industries, covering topics that range from shopper behavior, food service, e-commerce, logistics and operations, tech, policies and regulations, and more.

These leading publications are operated by Informa TechTarget. Our business journalists spark ideas and shape agendas for 16 million decision makers in competitive industries.